Rigorous governance at all levels underpins transparency and scrutiny of the trusts operations.  The principles of service and support flow through our governance from the members who take ultimate responsibility for the trust, the trustees who are the engine room of creativity and compliance and our local governors who provide care and guidance to their individual schools. 


  • Members have an overview of the governance arrangements
  • Members can amend the articles and may do so to support stronger governance arrangements
  • Members appoint Trustees to the Board of Trustees of the multi academy trust and can remove them

TBT currently has three Members. They are responsible for ensuring that the Trust fulfils its core mission. No Members are currently sitting Trustees. This distinction ensures that Trustees maintain a more strategic focus and provide independent oversight and challenge to Local Governors.

The current Members are:

  • David Cole 
  • Pat Sikes
  • Lyn Dance OBE


  • Trustees ensure compliance with the Trust’s charitable objects and with company law, as well as with funding agreements.
  • Trustees provide strategic direction for schools in the Trust. The Board of Trustees is responsible for setting and agreeing targets. These will cascade down into individual school targets as part of the annual cycle of business.
  • Trustees ensure they keep abreast of the cohort in each school and their needs. This is achieved through regular visits to each school and by receiving and scrutinising reports from each Local Governing body as part of an ongoing dialogue between each LGB, The Board and senior leaders.

TBT currently has ten Trustees. The Board of Trustees is the accountable body responsible for all delegated functions. They report to the Members annually through the Chair, including the presentation of the annual accounts.

The current Trustees are:

  • Linda Wright
  • Nadia Abdullah
  • Stuart Roden (Lead finance trustee)
  • Laurence Nesbitt (Chair)
  • Graham Johnson 
  • Will Smith (Safeguarding)
  • Sandra Carrington
  • Andrew Greenwell
  • Frances Macdonald 
  • Tom Attwood 

Details of Members and Trustees’ appointment and Trustees’ terms of office can be found here

Profiles of the Members and Trustees can be found here

Accounting Officer (AO)

The Accounting Officer for The Beckmead Trust is its CEO, Dr Jonty Clark.

Local Governors:

The role Local Governors are concerned with is the day to day oversight of a school within the Trust, and providing support, expertise and challenge to the Headteacher, throughout the annual cycle of calendar activities from September to August. In TBT, the Governors establish an atmosphere of high expectations around delivery, ensuring that it meets the expectations for excellence and enables students to succeed. Parent representation in TBT is addressed at this level of governance.

The Trust will operate on a common structure for local governance in all its schools. To support efficiency and effectiveness, Local Governing Bodies consist of up to 8 persons.