The Greenwell Academy Statement of Provision  

Introductory statement

The Greenwell Academy is a purpose built special school in Harlow offering a nurturing, inclusive environment for sixty four pupils with SEMH and associated needs with residential provision for fifteen pupils. We have high expectations for each child to leave as a confident young adult who is well prepared for the future. The school will open in 2023 and is sited in Harlow next to the Sir Frederick Gibberd secondary school.

The academy is named after Richard Greenwell who until tragically losing his life to cancer in 2020 was a governor at Beckmead having spent most of his career in senior positions in organisations looking after and educating disadvantaged children.

The Greenwell academy will relentlessly drive for success, celebrate achievement and promote a climate of possibility. All members of the school community will be kind, polite and respectful and have the opportunity to access stand-out education and care that will provide the platform for meaningful outcomes and improved life chances.

The Beckmead Trust' Schools reflect a commitment to pupils' academic, physical, social, vocational and emotional progress. To give children an opportunity to flourish in all aspects of their lives the Trust believes in nurturing all members of the school community. We believe the environment needs to reflect this by being warm, purposeful and understandable.

The curriculum presents formal, informal and enriched opportunities for development and progress. This enables the children who graduate from Beckmead to become independent, connected members of the communities where they live and the workplaces that may employ them.

Only pupils who have an Education Health and Care Plan can be admitted to this school and referrals can only be made via a Local Authority. If you wish for your child to be considered for a place here, please contact the Special Education Needs team at your Local Authority.

Greenwell School will open on a temporary site on Commonside Road in Harlow. This building will allow us to admit 16 pupils in total for the next 2 years. The brand new permanent school, also in Harlow, is due to open in September 2025

Office Email: greenwelloffice@beckmeadtrust.org 

Temporary Address: Commonside Rd, Harlow, Essex CM18 7EZ

Please click on the link to view:  Greenwell - Section 10 Consultation Presentation   

If you are unable to attend the consultation event on Tuesday 4th July but would like to ask questions please click on the link and complete this form Greenwell Consultation Form 

Thank you 

Essex County Council Special Free School Bid 

For inquiries about Freedom of Information or Subject Access Requests, please visit: https://www.beckmeadtrust.org/contact-us/freedom-of-information-and-subject-access-requests


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