Wells Park School is a residential primary school that caters for children between 5 and 11 years old, who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) for Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties (SEMH). The majority of children board at Wells Park School from Monday to Friday during term time and are referred to the school by Essex County Council via the Special Educational Needs Operations team, following the approval of an EHCP. The site is based in a semi-rural area of Essex, close to the London Boroughs of Redbridge and Havering.
Wells Park School is committed to creating a structured, safe environment that encourages a positive learning ethos in social interaction and communication, delivered through a balanced, experiential curriculum.
At Wells Park we strive to ensure that each child:
- Reaches their learning potential
- Uses their knowledge and skills independently and with confidence
- Fulfils their capacity for positive social interaction
- Understands and values themselves as members of a community
- Plays an active part in that community.
- Is able to use their leisure time to develop safe, healthy and meaningful interests
- Aspires to the development of their own happiness and those around them.
These are key performance indicators for the school and pupil progress against them is monitored by both education and care staff.
We aim to work with parents and carers to support them to:
- Enable their children to recover and develop these capacities
- Help their children to sustain their behaviour, social involvement and learning without reliance on medication
The aspirational outcome for each child is:
- The transfer to local or appropriate schooling
- The return to living in their home environment and community is subject to the need to access a suitable educational and social curriculum.
The School Day
The majority of children board at Wells Park School from Monday to Friday during term time and are referred to the school by Essex County Council via the Special Educational Needs Operations team, following the approval of an EHCP.
School Uniform
We are currently updating our website. Please come back later for updated information.
We are currently updating our website. Please come back later for updated information.
School Meals
Download and view the pupil's lunch menu below.